We sat down with the man, the myth, the legend. Steve Delaney. Our very own MVP- or in other words, Employee of the Year (but we’re too cool to say that). Appointed by the bossman and awards host, our CEO Phil Pearson. The highest of praise one can wish to receive here at WLC.

A bit about Steve. Steve is a fountain of knowledge, a ray of sunshine and is all round a super chilled guy. Adored by his team and pretty much everyone else- maybe ever? He has a new story about a random occupation or country he lived in every time you talk to him. Ideal dinner party guest, you could say. Just don’t expect him to stay up past 10 o’clock.  

Any man that turns up to their work summer party dressed head to toe in duck ordained clothes (even down the the shoes) pretty much deserves an award. What award, we’re not totally sure. Considering we gave out a ‘White Label Casinos Stan Award’ the night before- which did, in fact, not go to Steve. Recount anyone? We reckon he’s still happy with winning MVP.  

Oh and yes. We have photos. And videos. Because the fit was truly sensational and will live rent-free in our minds for weeks, maybe months to come. 

So, Steve. What’s all the fuss about this Steve fella? 

Time to make Steve really awkward and gush over just how great he is. Away we go!  

1. Steve, how does it feel to win two awards in The Duckies- and be nominated in most categories, with runners up in a few as well. Must be a pretty sweet feeling. Tell us all without blushing, if you can. 

It’s really a great honour and a nice feeling that people voted for me in so many categories. 

Turns out this is actually all we could get out of him on this one without making him turn a shade of fuchsia. 

2. One of the awards you won was the Positive Attitude Award. All jokes aside, how important is positivity and humour in the workplace for you and why do you think you won this award?  

Both are important. Positivity is, so that nothing becomes too “oh shit” and instead is all about “we can sort this if we think it through”. And for humour well, I don’t take myself too seriously and that helps me get on with pretty much anyone. A laugh just makes everyone more relaxed, and I’m like that with everyone, from the directors to the agents. 
It’s me. 

3. Now for the big one. Just how special is it to be recognised as WLC’s MVP?  
It’s a special feeling and it’s very humbling considering I’m just doing my job. Also I was recognised above all the amazing people we have here. Seems a bit surreal actually.

4. Did you disagree with any of the award winners? We’re being cheeky here.  

All of the ones I didn’t get. 

 5. If you had to choose an MVP other than yourself, who would take the prize and why?  

That’s a difficult one! Jordan Foxwell- our Director of Internal Operations, Sammie Wood- our HR Manager, and Niamh Carberry- our Head of Marketing (known as the other Steve, or Stiamh), immediately spring to mind but also Valeriia Saftiuk- our Payment Product Owner on the PSP team. She’s so talented and has such a wonderful attitude, with time to help everyone. 

6. How impactful is it for companies to run events to recognise talent like The Duckies?  

It’s a master stroke to be honest. Phil is right, industry awards are shit and worthless, patting the biggest sponsor’s people on the back. Ours recognised the people we know and love. 

7. Should we make this an annual thing?  

100% we should. 

8. Finally, how proud did you feel seeing your team win loads of awards on the night and just how sore was your head after taking a baby Guinness shot for each remote person (which was all of them)?  

Now this made me very proud. Everyone is only as good as the team around them and to see Mark Williams, Antonio Sotillo, Valeria Leon, Olga Stadnychuk and Ilona Kopytynska get recognised was lovely. 
These people are so talented and I’m a lucky man to work with them. 

We’re already excited to hear what new stories Steve will share next—maybe a new hobby, another adventure, or just some classic Steve wisdom. For now, though, he deserves to bask in the glory of being the 2024 MVP, with maybe just a little more playful embarrassment from us.