Q&A with Romain Lagrée, Head of Payment Product


In this latest edition of Leading the Charge, we’re putting the spotlight on Romain, White Label Casinos’ Head of PSP. With a career that spans everything from wine to iGaming, Romain has a knack for blending the unexpected into payment solutions that keep players happy and coming back for more. In this interview, he shares his insights on why seamless payments are key to player retention and how his diverse background shapes his approach to the fast-paced world of online payments. Ready to find out how payments can make or break a player’s experience? Keep reading to get the full rundown.

Question Time

” …payment is both a retention tool and a retention metric. With nearly two decades of experience in B2B and marketing, I can confidently say retention drives acquisition.

Romain Lagrée, Head of Payment Product

We need to offer comprehensive payment options that are fast, secure, and frictionless, while also tailored to specific markets and mobile users.

Romain Lagrée, Head of Payment Product

Quickfire Round:

What book would you recommend everyone read?
Tough question! For everyone, I’d suggest The Hávamál as a great reminder of basic values, especially in today’s world. For something more niche, The Prince by Machiavelli.
What’s your favourite wine?
Easy—St. Joseph! Full-bodied, dark, and deep red. Côtes du Rhône wines from northwest France are incredible and age well, just like me!
City life or countryside?
Countryside! Preferably by the sea. In Malta, we have the sea, but nothing compares to Brittany. It’s the best place in the world.

A big thank you to Romain for sharing his expertise and giving us a glimpse into the world of payments at White Label Casinos.

Stay tuned to learn more from White Label Casinos’ leaders.