When we launched the White Label Casinos brand at the start of 2023, we also launched a series of fundraising initiatives aimed at benefiting the Malta Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (MSPCA). The first of these fundraising initiatives took place at ICE London towards the beginning of the year, while the latest took place near the end of the year at iGaming IDOL. These two initiatives were the perfect bookends for a successful year of fundraising that has made a significant impact on the MSPCA.

We recently touched base with Mary Torreggiani, who represents the MSPCA, to inquire about how the money raised during our fundraising initiatives has impacted the incredibly important work that they do each day and how the money will have a lasting impact on the organization for years to come. Have a read of the conversation below: 

What impact did our fundraising efforts have on your ability to make improvements to your shelter and organization? Were you able to move forward with building a new wing? If so, how much has been completed so far?

We have completed the refurbishment of 9 new kennels – which has made a tremendous difference to our operation – this is a quieter area away from the main kennels which has helped us assist a lot more dogs this year and given us a space for those which have endured a lot more trauma and need more quiet space. New gates and dog flaps to the outside area have also been installed. We are now waiting on our permit to refurbish the agility area which will hopefully happen over the next month which means we can continue our refurbishment and removal of the asbestos roofing. January and February we will be replacing all the aluminum doors and windows and upgrading our feeding and vet room. This will improve the general hygiene and protection from any possible rodent intruders which may get in.


How has the new wing impacted your operations and the lives of the dogs and cats you take in?

Because of this new wing we have been able to take in 10 more dogs per month – that is approximately another 100 dogs this year- which as a result has almost doubled our intake number. It has been a great space to place the dogs which are undergoing post-surgery recovery and dogs which need a quieter place to rehabilitate before finding them their respective homes.

Have you seen an increase in adoption rates and/or volunteers after iGaming IDOL? How about this year as a whole based on our collaboration?

We have definitely seen more interest from volunteers – this has been great in enhancing our reach and encouraging a community of people whose efforts are geared towards improving the lives for our animals on our island. The bigger the community, the stronger we can become with regards to pushing Animal Welfare regulations and enforcement.

Are there any other positives you’d like to mention that have resulted from the donations and working together with a company from the iGaming industry?

This has been one of the best years since 2016 thanks to White Label Casinos’ decision to support the MSPCA. White Label Casinos has really helped push us through a very tough year. We are currently going through quite a storm with the amount of people wanting to surrender their animals, not to mention still suffering the consequences of backyard breeding. Clinical expenses have increased this year and will continue to increase again next year – which puts a strain on the operation and determines the amount of animals we are able to help. Despite this, thanks to your help, we have successfully taken in close to 200 animals and rehomed close to 150. We have also managed to increase our volunteering community from 10 to 19 individuals, mostly coming in at the weekend – but still a great way towards inspiring a community of people who CARE- which is far and few between today. White label Casinos has inspired this and they are creating a ripple effect – No Doubt! Our efforts to get our animals heard has also been extended into schools to target our youths and we have also managed to maintain our outreach program for our visits to the elderly homes. Our Impact this year has effectively increased and is definitely focused on the source of the issue which is partly due to lack of awareness and knowledge.
White label Casinos have driven all this!

The organisations presence on the premises was greatly felt in the way that it truly inspired positivity through their kind recognition for our sheltered animals and helped give it the recognition it needs. A cause which often gets overlooked, was finally given some importance by White label Casinos, driven by an inspirational Team leader! Thank you for your INSPIRATION and MASSIVE support.

We appreciate Mary taking the time to update us on how things have been going at the MSPCA. It sounds like our fundraising initiatives have had a meaningful impact, which is exactly what we were hoping for. We look forward to supporting the MSPCA for many years to come and we extend our most sincere gratitude to our friends throughout the iGaming industry who donated their time and money to benefit this remarkable organization.

Extra Bits

We sat down with the MSPCA rarlier this year to learn about their mission. Watch the full video to learn about the amazing work they do at the organisation.